Saturday, June 02, 2007

The First Day Of the II

Rain was in the forecast, but it didn't happen. At least not until the trial was over. Then it rained. With a vengeance. Probably got 2 inches of heavy, heavy rain. So what if it proved the "water resistance" of our brand new EZ Up was a joke. It didn't effect the trial which, despite the wailing of the cassandras who didn't even bother to show up, went off without a hitch. The people who were here were determined to have a good time, and a good time was had by all. In fact, I'm guessing most people are happy that the grumps stayed home (you know who you are.. I don't, but I've been assured you do). The clubs who put this event on have done a great job.. I'd say better than last year's event.

Meanwhile, the sky has cleared, we've relaxed with our single malt to watch the Stanley Cup playoffs, and it looks like tomorrow morning will break as clear and sunny as this morning. And with the truncated entry, it looks like we'll be able to get out of here early and make it to Lexington on Tuesday for the Saluki specialty.

Oh yeah... and I got hit by a whippet today. I'll post the last picture I took before I said "Oh F*ck" when I get it loaded on this computer. My knee hurts.

Update 1. Ah, there it is...

Y'know.. I think right about this point he was saying it, too!

Friday, June 01, 2007

First Day at the II

It's the premier event of the year for ASFA. The "International Invitational". Say it loud, say it proud. And international it is. We're parked on one side of a driveway... that driveway will represent the Detroit River. On the other side of the driveway are no less than 6 vehicles sporting Ontario, Canada license plates. We must be in Michigan! But no! We're in Minnesota! Which also shares a border with Ontario.. it's a really big province!

Anyway, this is not about borders, or Canadians. It's about dogs. And while a whole lot of dog owners have chosen not to come to Minnesota for ASFA's premier event, the ones who are here are determined to have a good time.
We arrived yesterday afternoon. We were really early, and enjoyed a peaceful night's sleep at the Dakota County Fairgrounds. Tonight we're surrounded by the aforementioned Canadians, plus Virginians, Wisconsonians, Michiganders, and the occasional Arkansans and FIBs from Illinois. (Ask your mother). Not to mention dozens and dozens of Minnesotans. We had a good free dinner tonight of fried chicken, and good Minnesota wild rice (I love Minnesota wild rice!), and some really rich brownies.. So far, so good..

Many of the people who chose not to come did so based on the fields... considering them "too small". Based on the reconnoitering I've done so far, the fields look fine. The smallest of the two fields has a course over 1000 yards, and it's not cramped. The large lilac (or whatever plant it is) in the middle of the course is really going to separate the dogs who pay attention from those than don't. It should be quite entertaining. Especially if any of the dogs stop to pick up one of the thousands of chicken bones left over from last weekend's Hmong chicken food fight. Apparently the Hmong don't believe in dumpsters, having a more primitive outlook on eating. Unfortunately, I'm not shooting at this field.

I'll instead, be at the field that most recently hosted the World War III of paintball massacres. There are literally thousands of unexploded paintballs in the field. Walking through the field in a haphazard manner will leave you looking like this hapless soul...
....I can't wait to see how the white dogs look after a run through this minefield.

Anyway, that's it from Farmington, MN... and if it seems as if I'm rambling more than usual, well... 3 margaritas will do it every time.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Oh Nooo!

I had no idea my eschewing beer would lead to this drastic change in the marketplace. I feel so guilty. Well... it's Todd's fault too! =)

This Week's Scary Image.

Is this the scariest bridge in the US? I can't say, not having crossed every bridge in the US... but this one tops my personal list! Just look at this sucker... it's what I'd call an "over/under" design, only instead of the usual 2, or 4 lanes above and below, this is a single lane, as it crosses the Missouri River between Nebraska and Yankton, South Dakota, (hometown, apparently, of Tom Brokaw).

It's not exactly a wide lane, either. Add our high profile vehicle, and a strong, gusty wind coming from the West (our Left), and you've got a recipe for white knuckle driving.

This was the second time we'd ever crossed this bridge, and it wasn't any more fun than the first time.

Images by Margaret, from the co-captain chair.


Everywhere we go, someone invariably asks, "So, where do you guys call home?". Well, here it is. Really. This is 411 N. 6th Street, Emery, South Dakota, 57332. Our "home" has been in Emery for nearly 4 years now. We've been here exactly three times, most recently this afternoon. Picked up the mail, and we're on our way to Minnesota for the II. See some of you there!
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Monday, May 28, 2007

Soggy II

Here's a fun image, typical of the entire field.. on Saturday.. 16 hours before the 3+ inches that fell on Sunday morning. This was what was left from the Thursday and Friday rain. But doesn't include today's rain. Does "soggy" make sense now?
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Sunday, May 27, 2007



What a soggy weekend in Oklahoma. Lots of great roostertail images yesterday, but today it started raining about 4am, and was still raining during the JC rollcall, while the organizers scrambled around to shorten the course so that it could be run without bogging down and burning up the motors. Didn't happen. Trial and Tests cancelled.
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