Monday, December 23, 2024


What the hell, it's been 6 months since I posted? You guys gotta yank my chain if this happens again. I thought it was only a couple of months.

Anyway, whichever holiday you observe this time of year, or if you observe none, I hope it's the very best for you.

And you know what time it is now... the annual tradition. Two great songs, which couldn't be more different. Take it away gang...

And I can't let you go without mentioning you have one more opportunity for a seasonal deal from Luminar Neo. You wanna make cool images like that holiday card up top, we got ya covered.  

If you're not a current user of the product, click this link.

There are also deals for you guys smart enough to already be using Luminar Neo, and this is your link

And both groups save 10% at checkout with the coupon code, PHOTODAN

Friday, June 28, 2024

A Purty Pickshur? No, no, no... it's APERTY

Folks, I'm not a "landscape photographer", but I take landscape images. I'm not a "street photographer", but I have taken many images that would be considered "street" photography. I'm not a "nature photographer", but I've shot many'a birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. Fish? maybe I haven't shot a lot of fish. But you get the picture (metaphorically speaking). I'm not one to be defined by labels.  

So, when I say, I'm not a "portrait photographer", I have certainly taken many portrait photos, going back nearly 60 years. But do I make a living as a portrait photographer? Certainly not. But there are those of you reading this, (and I'll make sure you see this and read it), and do I have an exciting bit of news for you! 

And it's called Aperty  It's a brand new editing program from Skylum, the makers of Luminar Neo.  This is no tool added to Luminar Neo, uh-uh, this is a brand spanking new, stand-alone editor, created by Skylum specifically for portrait photographers!

Details can be found in the May press release from Skylum, which you can read in full here, but for you, who are always in a rush, here are the highlights:

Recognizing the increasing demand for time-saving tools in portrait photography that would enable professional and semi-professional photographers to focus on creative growth and client engagement,Skylum is collaborating with renowned portrait photographer Julia Trotti to develop this specialized software solution. Set for release in September 2024, Project “Barcelona” will empower photographers by automating routine face retouching processes through an efficient, AI-optimized workflow that runs locally on the user’s device, making it as easy as applying presets

Designed with the specific needs of portrait photographers in mind, the new app’s key features include:

Skin Toning:  Make subtle changes to the skin tone of specific areas thanks to an accurate facial skin segmentation model; remove the red hue or unify the overall color. On top of that, the new app's state-of-the-art face mesh model provides unique makeup correction capabilities, allowing the application of extra textures like blush, highlight, and contour, and changing the color of lips, brows, and other elements.

Eye Enhancement: Add iris flare, remove redness, and adjust eye shape with a comprehensive suite of tools to perfect a subject’s eyes in portraits.

Teeth Whitening: Ensure radiant smiles with advanced teeth whitening and brightening capabilities.

Makeup Application: Enjoy customizable options for creative makeup styles and colors to compliment any complexion, clothing, or backdrop.

Bokeh Effects: Create stunning depth-of-field effects with the bokeh feature, adding dimension and allure to portraits.

Body Enhancement: Adjust bodily proportions to correct posture and account for unflattering angles,making sure portraits capture subjects in their best light.

Also, not mentioned in the press release: batch editing capability. I know that's important to photographers processing  large numbers of photos!

Intrigued? I know you are. Aperty will be available in September 2024. I don't have pricing right now, but I do know that 1000 portrait photographers who place an advance order right now, can get it for $199! Another thing I do know, is that come September, Aperty is probably going to cost a whole lot more than $199.
Use this here link to be one of the lucky (and quick acting) first 1000.
Don't wait!

In August, I'll be getting a beta copy of Aperty, and will be able to post some of my own edited portraits on this blog, but for now you'll just have to be happy with the two samples supplied by Skylum which illustrate some of the tools that will be part of the suite.

So that's one bit of news from Skylum, but that's not all. Read on...

As far as I know, the Luminar Neo Summer Sale continues! That means great savings are still available on Luminar Neo, and all Luminar Neo related goodies from the marketplace. That also means, that in addition to those great Summer Sale savings, you can save even more, 20% more, to be precise when you use this discount code at checkout: AFF-7ky9M0

What? You're not interested in making great portrait photos, or any great photos? Well someone you know does. Copy this post link and share it with all of your photographer friends. They'll thank you later.


Monday, April 15, 2024

Change Is Comin'

And by that, I mean Version 1.19.0 of Luminar Neo is arriving on April 25, and it is chock-a-block full of new features, (plus the return of the much loved Luminosity Mask). Not only are there new editing tools coming, but the entire look of Luminar Neo will be brand new. Check out the new logo:

Being the lazy type I am, I'm just going to let the Skylum press release tell you all about what's coming on the 25th. But don't worry, I'll post an image or two that I made using several of the new edit tools. You won't want to miss it, so you better read this post all the way to the end, capiche?

So what have I done with the Beta version of this imminent update? Well, let me show you...  Below is an image from 2004, shot with the trusty old Nikon D70 from a moving, and rocking Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore tour boat on Lake Superior. I've posted pictures from this tour before, but this is one that hadn't been touched for 20 years, (and I ain't done yet! There are many, many more.)

Pictured Rocks ©Daniel Gauss/Shot On Site

I used both the Water EnhanceAI, and Twilight EnhanceAI tools, as well as Object Select, the latter so I could work with the basic tools on the rock face, and the former? Well obviously on the water and sky. You can compare the finished product with the original 2.57MB, unedited version below:
©Daniel Gauss/Shot On Site, 2004

That really brought it to life, huh? And while it's not a new tool, I could not have gotten the head start on editing this image if I didn't use HDR Merge before I did anything else. For my money one of the 2 or 3 most important tools in the Luminar Neo tool box, whether you're merging bracketed shots or a single image.

So, down to business. You want this? If you're an existing Luminar Neo subscriber or Lifetime owner, you will, as spelled out in the press release get all the tools on the 25th*  If you're not among the Neo cognoscenti yet, I don't know what you're waiting for. It just keeps getting better and better. And with the Spring Sale prices still on, there's no time better.  You know the drill; here's the link: Luminar Neo.

And of course, my coupon code, PHOTODAN, for additional 10% off.

Finally, it's not just the logos that are changing, but also the whole desktop interface. I'll leave you with it.  Oh wait! Asterisk below๐Ÿ‘‡

*As mentioned in the release, Lifetime owners will not get the HDR Merge batch editing upgrade. Sorry, time to subscribe? Hmmm?

Posts may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase through one of these, I may receive a small commission at no increased cost to you. Thanks.

Friday, March 08, 2024

Luminar For iPad!

 I don't know why I put an exclamation point after the post title. I don't own an iPad. I don't know anyone who does, but maybe someone reading this out there does. If you do, well, this post is for you! (Geez, another pesky exclamation point.)

Anyway, Skylum just released a brand new mobile app for iPad users, and since they went through all the trouble to produce this nice video introducing Luminar for iPad, I should probably post it here. So I will.

So, that's it. If this seems right up your Apple Alley, click the link above, or this banner ad below to learn more. The price is beyond reasonable.. at least by Apple standards. ๐Ÿ‘ˆ(joke, no joke)

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

A Poll.

 Here's a poll. The poll question will be shown when you click on that ๐Ÿ‘ˆ link. If there's sufficient "yes" votes, I'll follow through with setting up a Zoom session. 

NOT(!) The Terrible Twos!!

Luminar Neo is two years old! And to celebrate, Skylum Software has given me (among a select bunch of  others.... though they're not as important) some very special promotional codes. Yeah baby! I previously posted this news only on my Facebook pages, and the promotion was scheduled to end yesterday morning (February 26). You can find the anniversary special prices at that FB link.

But great news for all you procrastinators out there... the anniversary sale has been extended to 7am EST, March 4. That's next Monday, folks. 

Time to jump on it. Use this link.  And here's where the good stuff happens. When you purchase any Luminar Neo option at the special 2 year anniversary prices, you can save an 20% at checkout when you copy and paste this code: AFF-iqi5 

It's time to up your editing game, while simplifying it at the same time. Take your photos from this-

Unedited, un-cropped image, taken through smudgy plexiglass.

,,,to this! (in a matter of minutes!

Lion through glass, El Paso Zoo  ©Daniel Gauss/Shot On Site

Need that link again? Just click the ad below๐Ÿ‘‡

Tuesday, February 06, 2024

An Offer For Budding Landscape Photographers...

...and even for those who think they're accomplished. Like me.

Those rascals at Skylum Software have an offer for you, in the form of a comprehensive Countryside Landscape Kit for Luminar Neo, at a 35% discount. (Regular price $39). What's in it? Glad you asked.

  • 5 presets/templates with a countryside aesthetic
  • 5 of the same presets with added clouds (meh)
  • 5 sky replacement images with different clouds and moods
  • 5 LUTs (Lookup Tables) with different cinema-type color grading
  • 5 bokeh and flare-type overlays
  • 3 fog overlays
  • 1 professional editing guide with instructions and tips for making images your own
Naturally, I received a sample copy to play with so's I can show you what can be done with these tools. The image below was created with a handful of the above features, and many, many of the native editing tools in Luminar Neo. (The original JPG image is at the bottom of the page)

Whitewater Creek at Catwalk, ©Daniel Gauss/Shot On Site

Of course you have to already own a Lifetime version, or an active subscription to Luminar Neo to take advantage of this offer, or for any of the other thousands of creative solutions available in the Luminar Neo Marketplace. 

And if you're not? Well have I got a deal for you! Through Valentine's Day (February 14) you can purchase any Luminar Lifetime of Subscription package for 30% off. Just use this here link.  

And to get the Countryside Landscape Kit at 35% off, use this here link! Yes, the links are different. (Also, you might try the coupon, PHOTODAN, at checkout and you may just get an additional 10% off, but I'm not making any promises about that).

And here's what I started with:

Notice the heavy black shadows in the lower left and upper right. If I recall, the lens hood was cockeyed and I didn't catch it for for several frames. Here was a case where one of the new generative AI tools came in handy: GenErase fixed it right up.

So you ready to buy ya some Luminar Neo or what? C'mon now...

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Free Photo Editor! Free!*

*for 10 days, but hear me out...

Beginning tomorrow morning at 7AM EST, Luminar Neo will be available for a 10 day free trial. They're so convinced that you will absolutely fall in love with the new GenAI tools, that they're going to let you play around with them for 10 days at no cost to you. And if you love it, and decide to keep it, you'll automatically get 30% off at check-out as long as you use this link! (NOTE: Link will not be active until 7AM EST, on January 19, and expires on January 29 at 7AM EST)

You've seen, in previous posts, some of the things you can do with the GenAI tools. Here's my latest "fun" creation. (I thought Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge needed some T-Rexes)

Not your cup of tea? Never fear. As I've harped on and on here, Luminar Neo is a fully functioned, ridiculously intuitive, powerful editor! You just want to edit your photos and not conjure up critters from Jurassic Park, you can do that, too. See?

"Mushroom Tree", Bosque del Apache NWR ©Daniel Gauss/Shot On Site

So try it out. Your images will have never looked so good. If you take advantage of this 10 day offer, and have questions, don't hesitate to contact me:, or use FB messenger at

I'll try and be the best coach I can be!

Tired Of Giving Jeff Bezos All Your Money? Read On...

You may have seen mention here in the past of Readers Cove Used Books & Galleryour used book store in Deming, New Mexico,,, one of the 7 best bookstores in New Mexico! And yes, we sell the crap out of used books, which are one of the greatest deals in the modern world.

But let's say you're looking for a new book. You either hop in the car and drive 5 miles (or in our case 50) to the new book store, or you get online and order it from A-----. 

What if I told you there was a third option? And that third option would help (in a very financial way) your favorite local book shop (that being Readers Cove, of course!). 

Well, here's the deal: we've partnered with, and rather than me just repeating the info in the image below, just read on:

When you're in the market for a new book just use this link, or even easier, just scan the QR code above, and you'll be taken to our "storefront", place your order, and we'll get a nice little piece of the retail pie. 

Everybody wins, and you'll even save a buck or two! I did a little comparison shopping the other day for prices on the newest releases. It seems the mega-behemoth mail order retailer you all know and hate sells new releases at cover price, while discounts $1-$2. Check 'em out!