Monday, May 15, 2023

A Tale Of Two Images

The False Slot - ©Daniel Gauss/Shot On Site

"False Slot"? This is nowhere as big as it looks. A kind of optical illusion, if you will. It's actually a massive boulder immediately north of the Pony Hills Petroglyph site in Luna County, New Mexico. Sometime in the distant geologic past it had broken into two parts. In reality, what looks like a one hundred foot long slot is closer to 20 or 30 feet, and about 12 to 15 feet high, and let's just say way too narrow for a slightly plus-sized septuagenarion like myselft to traverse. So,  kind of an entertaining illusion, right?

I wasn't sure the image above was going to come together. I had taken the two images below, with slightly different exposures, trying to get something that was balanced. I wasn't crazy about either, but I decided I would see what I could do with it back home at the computer. 

By now, you know that my editor of choice is Luminar Neo, and I was just itching to get this into the HDR Merge extension. There was a problem, though. These two images were just hand held. I did have my tripod with me, but pure laziness on my part kept me from setting it up.  As a result, when I pulled the two images into the HDR Merge extension, I had to opportunity to try out a function of the tool I hadn't needed in previous images:  Auto alignment.  Turns out it works pretty damn well. As you can see from the third image below which is a composite of the two images at 50% opacity, they weren't lined up very closely at all. Compare it to the finished image at the top of the page, and it put them together nearly perfectly. I say "nearly" because while the viewer will not see any fine details that didn't quite mesh, I can. I can always see the faults.  It's my curse. 😐


Have a look at the top of the right sidebar, and you will see an ad for the Mothers Day Sale, which has just a few more hours to run... till 7:00 AM EDT, May 16 to be precise. If you look and the ad's no longer there, you missed out again. 50% off. Or 60% off if you also use the code, PHOTODAN at check out. Later, all.


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