Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Scanners! Vogue.

Living it up in high fashion Vogue-style in Millington, TN, around 1966. If my memory is correct, (and I know that it is), there was also Playboy, but alas, those are gone like so much dust in the wind, (and you wouldn't have seen them here, anyway). I still get that look, and it still drives me mad.

Men: Take Care of Your Walnut!

Seriously. Eat right, exercise, and do all you can to avoid the dreaded Slide #10

One Magical Night in December, 2010

Last night was a night to stay up and enjoy (and capture) the show.

Soundtrack provided by the Paul Winter Consort and their iconic composition, "Icarus". It would not surprise me at all if the Consort was playing at the Cathedral of St John the Divine in New York last night, as they do most Winter Solstices.


UPDATE Dec 22: I was close. I just checked the schedule, and the Winter Consort played the cathedral on the 16th, 17th, and 18th. But I also found a free music download while on the website!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Scanners Plus! O Tannenbaum.

Yes.. it's a Shoe Tree. Don't strain your eyes, the original image will appear in its full size in a future post. Meanwhile- the best to you in this holiday season!

Scanners! I Think She Named It "Danny"

Polaroid. The digital camera of the 60's.

A Holiday Message from Ricky Gervais: Why I'm An Atheist - Speakeasy - WSJ

A Holiday Message from Ricky Gervais: Why I'm An Atheist - Speakeasy - WSJ:

.... It’s when belief starts infringing on other people’s rights when it worries me. I would never deny your right to believe in a god. I would just rather you didn’t kill people who believe in a different god, say. Or stone someone to death because your rulebook says their sexuality is immoral. It’s strange that anyone who believes that an all-powerful all-knowing, omniscient power responsible for everything that happens, would also want to judge and punish people for what they are. From what I can gather, pretty much the worst type of person you can be is an atheist. The first four commandments hammer this point home. There is a god, I’m him, no one else is, you’re not as good and don’t forget it. (Don’t murder anyone, doesn’t get a mention till number 6.)...

...But what are atheists really being accused of?

The dictionary definition of God is “a supernatural creator and overseer of the universe.” Included in this definition are all deities, goddesses and supernatural beings. Since the beginning of recorded history, which is defined by the invention of writing by the Sumerians around 6,000 years ago, historians have cataloged over 3700 supernatural beings, of which 2870 can be considered deities.

So next time someone tells me they believe in God, I’ll say “Oh which one? Zeus? Hades? Jupiter? Mars? Odin? Thor? Krishna? Vishnu? Ra?…” If they say “Just God. I only believe in the one God,” I’ll point out that they are nearly as atheistic as me. I don’t believe in 2,870 gods, and they don’t believe in 2,869.

RTWT, but if you don't, the gist of the entire essay is distilled in the final two sentences: "You won’t burn in hell. But be nice anyway."

Blocked Memories

Hey, check this out! Sandia is there, (and also hangs on my office wall). Very cool stuff from Margaret's future DIL!