Showing posts with label Humor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Humor. Show all posts

Monday, December 20, 2010

Scanners Plus! O Tannenbaum.

Yes.. it's a Shoe Tree. Don't strain your eyes, the original image will appear in its full size in a future post. Meanwhile- the best to you in this holiday season!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Tumbleweed Road Kill..

Because we had an El Nino winter, and a fairly wet summer, we've got about 40 million acres of tumbleweeds.. or so it seems. Therefore, we don't miss them when they run in front of the car..

make a gif
Make a gif

I was surprised to learn that this ubiquitous symbol of the Old West, didn't exist in the US before the 1870's, when they hitch-hiked with the flaxseed that were imported to South Dakota by Ukrainian farmers. Like so many invasive species of plant and animal, I guess they liked it here.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Don't Worry 'Bout Me.

Despite the fact I've been left on my own for yet another holiday period, I'll get by. MMmmm-mmm-mmm.

Happy Thanksgiving, all!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

This Just Seems Wrong...

This image of the rare conformationus curmudgeonus captured live at the ASFA Greyhound Specialty Conformation Match.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Misery Loves Company Dept.

So... you may be asking: What does Dan do to take his mind off the current bleak and devastated political landscape? What is his... diversion?

Glad you asked! Every week, I turn to SB Nation and read Brian Cook's This Week in Schadenfreude.. a collection of hand-wringing, sad, and pathetic posts gleaned from the discussion boards of colleges and universities across the nation following yet another week
end of their schools losing inexplicably to "that terrible team from......." name your poison. It's always good for a laugh at the expense, especially, of Ohio State,
say, or Michigan State, or Notre Dame. Mixed with Brian's witty, and barbed comments, it's normally an entertaining way to forget about the serious side of life, and the dangers of Republicans.

Alas, there's no solace to be had even here, this week, because Brian leads with the sad plight of the Wolverines football team in the throes of three straight losses.

I don't know where to turn...

Friday, October 22, 2010

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Bubba's Story

A repost from 2007, (and one of my better efforts).  We had posted this picture of Bubba, and had a poll for people to guess his COO (Country of Origin):

The "Bubba Poll" is now closed. For those waiting breathlessly for the answer... It's Georgia. That's right, Georgia. And not the one over there in the old Soviet Union.. the one in the American South. Bubba is an
Appalachian Corn Hound;or rather he's descended from the Corn Hounds, which were first created in the North Georgia mountains at the turn of the last century by mountain men who needed sturdy guard animals to protect their "corn likker" stills. Borrowing heavily from the French Great Pyrenees, for size, American Pitbulls for tenacity, and an occasional greyhound for speed in pursuing the hated "Revenoors" out of the mountains, these ingenius mountain dwellers produced a hound whose only vice was a taste for fine French wines and cognacs. Alas, this was to lead to the ultimate demise of the breed, even though it guaranteed that they would stay out of the moonshine. Because of their expensive tastes, these poor hill folk were unable to afford to keep this handsome dog. Additionally, the Corn Hound was able to somehow maintain beautiful strong, white teeth throughout their lifespans, which led to poor self-esteem among the very people that created them.

The entire population was, therefore, shipped off to Texas during the Great Depression, where the somewhat-wealthy Sheep Barons were able employ them in their current capacity, as sheep guarding dogs. So that's Bubba's story.. so rare, you won't even find it in Wikipedia!

And not only that, but... what?
What's that?
What's today's date, you say?

Why.. It's April Fool's Day.

And Bubba's an Akbash. From Turkey.
Congratulations to all who got it right. Texas, Todd?? ;)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Yesterday, we posted a number of images of the spectacular, and interesting flora and fauna of Southwest New Mexico.  These images, taken during the same ramble around the area....  don't quite fall into that category...

"Wanna make out?"

Perhaps you shouldn't be out on the trails in your Crown Vic..
(bonus if this plate was ripped off of your vehicle trying to cross the arroyo)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hello There.

(Please cue soundtrack, below)

Create PlaylistPop-out playerDownload music and ringtones

Hello there..

I'm Indiana Gauss.

I'm a famed dashing and handsome blog-cheologist.  I seem to have stumbled upon this ancient and neglected blog.  It appears to have been vacated by some early race of idealistic, energetic blogger.  I've seen this before.  You would think that these indigenous writers would have vanished mysteriously from the face of the earth, but that's not so.  In true nomadic fashion, they've become part of the diaspora to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other so-called "social networking" sights.  Their laziness had gotten the better of them, and they no longer wanted to make the effort to toil at their thankless blogging tasks.

Fortunately, the final history of bloggers in general, and this blog in particular is far from being written.  Enough empirical evidence exists to predict that this blogging malaise is reversible, and that this blog will become a hive of literary activity very soon, (in blog-cheologic time, that is).

In fact, I can pretty fairly predict that soon you will here be reading about such diverse topics as:

  • Driving miles and miles of desert and mountain jeep trails
And probably a whole lot more.  You would be wise to monitor this location closely.  That is my professional opinion.  Now, I must be off to kill some Nazis and eat monkey brains.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

It's An Annual Tradition!

Yes friends, followers, and readers, once you go past two years, it becomes a tradition.  I'm speaking, of course, of the annual playing of our Holiday video, Robert Earl Keen Jr's "Merry Christmas From the Families".  The greatest Christmas song ever written!  "White Christmas"? Hah!  "Sleighride"? You must be kidding.  What makes it so great, you ask?  It plays as well in July as it does in December, that's what.

Grab an eggnog, sit back and relax.. or sing along (that's what I do), and you all have the best of Holiday Seasons, and a great new decade!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

I think he was reminding motorists to "eat mor chikin."

Happy Thanksgiving to all our readers and followers.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

"Please Release Me, Let Me Go"

A very short slide show of the best "slips" of the weekend in Stanley, NM.

We're laughing with you.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Sue the Bitch!

Keeping you entertained while I think of something profound or pithy to write...

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Why Not?

That's right.  Why should we be any different from everybody else.  Just in time, too, as the skies opened up yet again right after we got it back on terra firma.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

After All, What's Money For...?

...If not to spend.

What a story I have for you today.

If you were thinking about coming to our open house this Saturday, but you live, say, on the other side of the country, or even up in the northern part of the state and you didn't have the time to make the drive, I've got great news!

Yesterday, I was clearing brush in the backyard in preparation for fencing in a dog area.  As I pried up a mesquite root, I spied something green underneath.  A bit of digging produced a ragged canvas satchel, and through the many holes I discovered the "green" I saw was cash.  Green bills... lots of them.  We haven't counted it all yet, but I can tell you they're old.. early 20th century.  We think there's a couple hundred thousand dollars here, maybe as much as half-million.  

The local paper picked up the story, and tomorrow we'll be dealing with the major networks.. crews from the Today show and Good Morning America will be here, and of course the local news affiliates from Albuquerque.

Where did it come from?  Well, the Butterfield Stage ran not far north of here.  Billy the Kid was active in West Texas and southern New Mexico.  We don't know.  We don't care.  We just know it's ours!

But we're simple folks at heart.  We're pretty happy with our new place, so we're not going to invest very heavily into any major improvements (except maybe central air!), and we might spend some on a major overhaul of the Hare-Brained Express, but we made a decision to mostly try to blow it all on the housewarming party this Saturday!

Through Margaret's son, Tony, (who knows the DIY lady on the show), we've got Rachel Ray coming to do the catering.  When that news leaked out, we heard from Emeril and Bobby Flay, who also want to come and turn it in to some kind of cooking competition on our back deck!  So friends, the food is going to be spectacular, as are the free blimp rides we've arranged with the Goodyear people.  We'll have lots of wine from the local winery.  A string quartet, fronted by Yo Mama on cello will provide the music during the day, and country rockers, Cross Canadian Ragweed will keep the neighbors (those that aren't here) awake long into the night.
And that's not the best part-

- this is:  If you want to come, just let us know.  We'll arrange for your airfare from wherever you are to the El Paso airport, and then have you choppered directly to our back yard!  We want this to be the biggest party  in New Mexico history!  Be a part of it!

Just email us your itinerary and 

do it TODAY: April 1st.