Monday, January 26, 2009

What Is It? (With Hint)

Just a fun diversion from all the seriousness here lately. This is a little game that Patrick play over at Terrierman blog. Just post your answers to the comments section, and all will be revealed in a couple of days.

Playing isn't a requirement, and you don't need to whine about it. You can just say "no".


  1. Since there aren't any ads printed on the fabric, I'll have to venture the guess that it's an observation blimp. I'm not sure where you are today, but if you're near the U.S.-Mex border, I'd say it's watching for ill-eeeeeee-gals!

  2. OH!! You're oh so close, Todd... but you're not getting the hint.

  3. looks like an inflatable beluga whale. which makes me miss caviar...

  4. "Just say no" sounds an awful lot like a hint to me.

  5. Cindy, that's why you're the educator and Todd's just the IT guy, and Leonore is.... well, based on her food preference, a running dog lacky of the Bourgeoisie!

  6. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Looks like a radar ballon I've seen in the Fla Keys and Caribbean...

  7. You're on to something there, Pat (Moran?).. so just blurt it out! OK... I'll post the answer when we get back from Las Cruces tonight.

  8. Anonymous8:55 PM

    It's an aerostat. A modern version of the observation balloon. The bulge underneith contains a variety of instrumentation. Usually radar, video, and/or infrared. Possibly seismic or audio detectors as well. Probably on the Mexican border.

    I cheat, I used to do communications +work for the INS.


Your comments are always welcome!