Saturday, January 01, 2005

Buffy leads the way!

Three days down, one to go. On Friday, the Borzoi Scarlett wrapped up the number 1 position. There were, as usual, a number of ASFA Top 20 hounds in attendance this weekend... 4 or 5 greyhounds, 6 or 7 whippets, and on and on. It's always a party at Cartersville at the end of the year. Speaking of which, the party at Les & Shirri's was as small and intimate as I've ever seen; but Margaret and I had a good time... especially me, as Margaret was pressed into designated driver duties.

This morning, at approximately 9:35AM, Buffy the Vampire Slayer became the first dog in America to chase a lure in 2005. She ran a totally typical Buffy course, zigzagging about the field, oblivious to the whereabouts of the lure most of the time, but doing it very fast, and looking cool. Fan Club members would be proud.

Just watched the Rose Bowl... the less said the better. A very entertaining game if you're not emotionally attached to the losing team.

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